News & Events

Competition on Interim Budget

Mar 12, 2024 - Mar 12, 2024

On 12th March 2024, the Commerce andrnManagement Association in collaborationrnwith the Internal Quality Assurance Cellrn(IQAC) organized a competition on "ThernInterim Budget" presentation at SeminarrnHall. The competition featured a total ofrnfive participating teams, each reflectingrnthe application of theoretical knowledgernto real-world scenarios, develop criticalrnthinking skills and enhance theirrnpresentation and communicationrnabilities. Mr. Hamad Basheer & Mr.rnMohammed Sali Asham, Asst. Professors,rnDepartment of Commerce andrnManagement - PAFGC judged the eventrnand graced the occasion.Prize Winners:1st Prize: Mr Mohammed Ayman Basheer –rn2nd year BBA, Mr Mohammed ShafeemrnMoosa – 2nd year BBA & Ms K Salma Aifna –rn3rd year B.Com.2nd Prize: Ms Fathima Raizin Sathar, MsrnMohammed Hashir GM & Mr Mohammed IrfanrnParsi – 3rd year B.Com.Participants successfully applied theirrntheoretical knowledge of economics andrnfinance to real-world.·The competition encouraged participants tornthink critically about economic challengesrnand devise innovative solutions.·Participants gained valuable experience inrnpresenting complex ideas and proposals in arnclear, concise, and persuasive manner.

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