News & Events

Nasha Mukth Bharath Abhiyaan- A Pledge Against Drug Abuse

Jun 26, 2024

                       On 26 June 2024, IQAC, in collaboration with National Service Scheme (NSS) unit and Anti-Drug Committee organized a pledge against drug abuse, Nasha Mukth Bharat Abhiyan. The event took place in Seminar Hall 2. Ms. Ithashree, NSS Program Officer hosted the program. Ms. Muneera, Asst. Professor in English welcomed the gathering, acknowledging the presence of students, faculty members, and esteemed guests. Dr. Surfraz J. Hasim, Principal, PAFGC delivered an enlightening speech on the importance of using drugs for medical purposes while highlighting the detrimental effects of illegal drugs. He shared his insights from conversations with medical professionals and encouraged students to spread awareness about drug abuse within their circles. Mr. Mohammed Sali Asham, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Commerce & Management addressed the audience, elaborating on the objectives and significance of the Nasha Mukth Bharat Abhiyan.

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